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Episode 6
Duality is failing our strengths
October 4, 2020
Do we see our strengths failing us? Is success becoming hard to realize? There is something that is keeping us away from realizing our goals despite our playing on our qualities and strengths? Maybe, Duality is failing us. Duality is failing our strength. […] click here to read the full Blog
Episode 5
Dealing with difficult situations
September 27, 2020
Many times we find ourselves dealing with difficult situations or difficult people and our response during such difficult interactions mostly leave us filled with negative energies. Anger, despair, disappointment, etc etc, these negative energies are the least we want. So how can we deal with such difficult moments and people? How should we respond? Always remember, […] click here to read the full Blog
Episode 4
Can someone actually make us happy?
September 26, 2020
Hello!Welcome to yet another episode at MyInnerLight. This episode is a thought on this one question that everyone has. Is there anyone or any particular situation or something that can make us happy? Can something or someone actually make us happy for long and good?Happiness is the experience of gratifying our wants and desires that […] click here to read the full Blog
Episode 3
Addiction to drama in life
September 24, 2020
Ever wondered why we keep chasing? We do so because we are taught the need for drama in life right from the moment we enter the world. The need for drama to keep the exciting, emotional & unexpected events or circumstances coming because this is believed to be the only way to live, grow and evolve […] click here to read the full Blog
Episode 2
Purpose of our life
September 23, 2020
The purpose of life is to live and die, just the way we are born- Free. Being Free, in the right definition here means being in touch with our inner self, knowing our own being, living in a state of constant awareness of self that is separate from our ‘always talking’ mind. We are always […] click here to read the full Blog
Episode 1
That poor (rich) boy on the street
September 15, 2020
Recording this episode “That poor (rich) boy on the street” to share some wonderful realizations that I’ve had over a period of time. He hasn’t been happier in his life than this day. Everything he ever wished was his. Work life was rocking- the glass corner office with a view, a big fat bonus that had just hit his account, the next level in the organisation; it was a perfect 10 for him at work. The euphoria in his love life was at the peak too [...] click here to read the full Blog